Do you want to add trees to your yard, or replace trees that have been lost? Use this guidance from Trees Atlanta, a nonprofit community group that protects and improves Atlanta's urban forest by planting, conserving, and educating, to add to or restore our disappearing tree canopy.

Step 1: Select the right tree

Selecting a tree to plant involves several considerations beyond their aesthetics. Careful consideration of function, land, and personal preferences help to ensure that the tree is not only pleasing to us, but will also thrive in its location and live long to benefit the environment, including land, wildlife, and people.

Furthermore, selecting the right tree for the right place can reduce unwanted maintenance issues, lower total expenses, and increase longevity.

Access guidance for selecting the right tree

Step 2: Plant the tree properly

Planting a tree properly is one of the best things you can do to help it grow strong and healthy into maturity.

How to plant a tree video

Step 3: Care for your trees

Go to the Tree Care page for tips.


Trees Atlanta

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